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Mobile phone and TV

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Kopfhörer kabellos per Bluetooth verbinden

Connect headphones to mobile phone or tablet

Thanks to the wireless universal interface, a Bluetooth headset can be connected to a mobile phone or smartphone in seconds.

Connect headphones to TV

At present, most smart TVs or sound systems offer audio reception via Bluetooth, but they cannot send Bluetooth audio. A Bluetooth headphone as a pure playback system must receive audio, however, otherwise, there is radio silence. So the question is not: "Which Bluetooth headphones are suitable for my TV", but: "Does my TV set even have the necessary integrated Bluetooth interface with which it can send audio? Unfortunately, the Bluetooth logo on the packaging or in the instructions for the TV gives you only inaccurate information about this. A Bluetooth transmitter can also help. You can find out more about this in our blog article Bluetooth headphones on TV: How it works.

Did you know this?

The development of radio technology was driven forward by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (Bluetooth SIG) in the late 1990s. Its founding members, including Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia and Toshiba, wanted to establish a manufacturer-independent radio standard. The initiative achieved its goal within just a few years, and today over 8,000 companies are members of the SIG. This makes Bluetooth the most important wireless radio standard alongside wifi.
You can find more information about Bluetooth in our blog article Bluetooth makes wireless audio transmission possible.

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